Review – Pop!_OS 17.10
I recently took a small break from writing my new book to record a quick review of Pop!_OS 17.10. Check it out!
Review – System76 Galago Pro
System76 has released their newest Ultrabook, the 2017 Galago Pro! I preordered one as soon as it was available, and have put together a video to show it off. In this video, I review this Ultrabook and show you what to expect if you order one.
Review – Ubuntu MATE 17.04
In this video I take a look at Ubuntu MATE 17.04, the latest release from what is probably the best MATE distribution around. I’ll show off the installation routine, new features, and more. Also, please pardon the dust, as I am experimenting with new styles of editing and production. A routine format will follow soon once I finish tweaking the layout.
Review – Ubuntu GNOME 17.04
In this video, I take a look at Ubuntu GNOME 17.04, which will eventually become the main desktop spin of Ubuntu. I’ll show off the installation routine, new features, and more.
Review – Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2
In my newest review, I take a look at the latest release of the Ubuntu MATE 16.04 distribution, which features new hardware enablement. Enjoy!
How to fix Ubuntu 16.04’s Network Resume Bug
In this video, I detail a fix to help you tame Ubuntu’s Wi-Fi issues. The symptoms of this issue include Wi-Fi not automatically reconnecting after resume, as well as wireless networks not showing up after resume. Hopefully this works for you.
Review – Ghost Blade HD
I just uploaded my first ever Linux game review. Check it out! Although my Youtube channel is targeted primarily toward learning Linux skills and reviewing distributions, checking out some games may be something I’ll do from time to time. After-all, it’s always important to have a little leisure time for yourself, and Linux gaming is definitely a big topic nowadays.
Fedora Workstation 25 Installation Walkthrough & Tutorial
If you’re interested in installing Fedora Workstation 25, check out my latest tutorial. I’ll show you the entire installation process for this amazing distribution. Fedora Workstation 25 is a great release, and you’ll definitely want to check it out.
Review – Fedora Workstation 25
Is the latest release from Fedora a gem or a flop? Check out my latest review to see whether or not Fedora Workstation 25 is worth your time.