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  • Linux Crash Course – The sar Command

    Monitoring the resources of your Linux server and watching for negative trends is one way to stay ahead of potential performance issues, and the sar command will help you do exactly that. In this video, Jay goes over the basics of the sar command.

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  • Enterprise Linux Security Episode 22 – Certificates

    Encryption is a great benefit to take advantage of, especially when it comes to hosting web sites. But how exactly do TLS certificates work? In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss foundational concepts surrounding certificates, as well as some advice and recommended practices.

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  • Linux Crash Course – The echo Command

    In the Linux Essentials series, we’ll go over the basics of a Linux command or feature in every episode. This time around, it’s all about the echo command. The echo command allows you to print text, but it also allows you to do other things as well, such as printing the contents of variables.

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