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  • The Homelab Show Episode 41 – Network Segmentation

    Networking is often a difficult subject for newcomers, as some of the concepts are not always the easiest to explain. Since networking is an important element of homelab, it’s definitely something you’ll want to focus on. Network segmentation in particular can give you a foundation on which to build better security rules, but how do you implement it? What’s the actual benefit of segmentation? In this episode, Jay and Tom discuss some foundational concepts around network segmentation specific to homelab.

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  • Hands-on with the Turing Pi 2!

    The Turing Pi 2 is quite an exciting project that might even be a game-changer when it comes to homelab. With it, you can set up Raspberry Pi Compute Modules as individual servers, and even cluster them! The Turing Pi 2 gives you access to many additional features that Compute Modules wouldn’t normally have access to, such as mPCIe, SATA, and more. This gives you access to build a data-center in a box, and Jay gives it a first-look on the channel in this video.

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    Check out the Turing Pi 2

  • Enterprise Linux Security Episode 15 – High Availability

    It’s frustrating when critical infrastructure encounters an issue that results in a disruption of service. High Availability is a concept that aims to help alleviate (or hopefully eliminate) such downtime, and is a very attractive goal for system administrators. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss high availability, as well as its pros and cons.

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