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  • 5 Million Views on my Youtube Channel!

    Wow, I can’t believe I’m even typing this. I haven’t looked at my analytics in a while, but when I looked today I was pleasantly surprised to see that my Youtube channel has surpassed 5 million views! I want to take this time to thank all of my viewers and readers for being a part of this. Being able to create content for you that you seem to find helpful is an honor to me. There’s nothing greater to me than giving back to the community that has given so much to me. You guys are awesome!

    From here, I have some fairly bold plans for the channel. I’m increasing the production quality of the videos, and creating new content every chance I get. I’m also looking very closely at analytics from now on. This means that for the specific types of videos you guys like the most, I will create more of them for you.


  • My new Ubuntu Server Administration series is now Live!

    I’m super excited to announce that my new series, Ubuntu Server Administration, is starting to upload to Youtube. The first 4 videos of 18 are available today, and new videos will be uploaded twice weekly until they’re all available. This is my favorite tutorial series yet, I’ve been working very hard on these and I hope you all like them.

    The focus this time around is creating on showing you how to create Internet-facing servers that actually serve useful applications, but there will also be theory-oriented videos in between. You’ll learn how to set up cloud servers, add DNS, install applications, set up a back-end database, and more!

  • VLOG – Home Lab Software Overview