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  • The Homelab Show Episode 79 – Virtual or Container?

    Virtual Machines and Containers are awesome, but when should you use one versus the other? In this episode, Jay and Talk about some of the deciding factors when it comes to deciding which technology to use.

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  • Linux Crash Course Series – How to Share Files via SSHFS

    While technologies such as Samba and NFS are very effective when you want to share files with other users, those solutions may not be best for those with simpler file sharing needs. In this video, sshfs is covered, which is a fuse-based solution that enables you to quickly share directories on your network.

    Note: sshfs no longer has a maintainer, so don’t use this solution for confidential or proprietary files. Check out the repository and consider volunteering to maintain this awesome solution.

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    Thanks to Linode for sponsoring this video. Support LearnLinuxTV by setting up your very own Linux server on their awesome cloud platform!

  • Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 18 – Closing/Next Steps

    Thank you so much for checking out LearnLinuxTV’s Bash scripting series! In this video, the series winds down as Jay points you to some other resources you might want to utilize in order to continue your Linux Learning journey.

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