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  • Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 08 – Universal Update Script

    The word “Universal” can refer to good or a bad thing. Universal is working on another Jurassic Park sequel? Probably a bad thing. A universal script to help you consolidate tasks on the Linux commandline? Definitely a GOOD thing! In this video, you’ll see an example of creating a “universal update script” to help you deal with using multiple distributions.

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  • Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 07 – While Loops

    Looping isn’t just something you do in an unknown city while driving with a broken GPS – looping is a very important concept in programming and scripting languages. And that’s what we’ll go over in this episode of this bash scripting series. Specifically while loops, which allow you to continually execute something as long as some sort of condition is met. In this video, you’ll learn all about this so why not just give that play button a click and start learning?

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  • Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 06 – Exit Codes

    How do you tell whether or not a task completed successfully? Usually, an error message is a sure sign that something went wrong. But when it comes to Linux, you won’t always have that to rely on. In this video, you’ll learn all about exit codes, which is how you determine whether or not a task in Linux is successful or if it failed.

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