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  • 10 Linux Terminal Tips and Tricks to Enhance Your Workflow

    Are you a Linux user and/or administrator? These 10 terminal tricks will show you some new and exciting ways you can enhance your workflow, shorten longer tasks, and even have a little fun along the way.

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  • Enterprise Linux Security Episode 46 – Monitoring

    If you’re in charge of maintaining servers and related equipment, what should you monitor? While monitoring is something that will grow and expand over time, Jay and Joao will give you some tips in this episode to get you started. Check out this episode for some tips on some of the baseline checks you should implement with your monitoring solution of choice.

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  • The Homelab Show Episode 76 – Password Managers and Management

    By now, you no doubt have a surplus of passwords to remember – but do you have a method of choice for keeping track of these? In this episode, Jay and Tom discuss password management and password managers. Topics will include Keepassxc, Bitwarden, best practices, and more!

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