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  • Why you should build your Portfolio in Github to gain a Linux Job

    Obtaining a career in any IT field can sometimes be a competitive experience depending on how many other applicants there might be. But have you ever thought of using Github as a portfolio to make you stand out and increase your chances of receiving an offer? In this video, Jay discusses how Github can be the ultimate portfolio for getting a new job.

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  • SCaLE 19x – Canonical, AREDN, and System76

    SCaLE 19x was so much fun! In the second video in a series that will cover this year’s event, I’ll play back conversations I’ve had with three really awesome people: Monica Ayhens-Madon (Community Representative at Canonical), Tim Wilkinson (Technologist and Contributor for AREDN), and Adam Balla (Content Producer for System76). These individuals are very passionate about their projects, and the conversations we had were a lot of fun. Check it out! (And there’s definitely more to come).

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  • My experience at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE 19x)

    SCaLE 19x was a ton of fun, and I was able to attend this years conference alongside Linode. In this video, I talk about my overall experience, in preparation for further videos that will be released that will show off some of the shenanigans that happened while I was there this year.

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