Saving power in your homelab can be a very important factor in your build. In this video, you’ll see the process of building a lower energy storage server, that uses only around 55 watts! FreeNAS is shown as an example, but other NAS platforms can be used as well.
Building a Raspberry-Pi Storage Server with OpenMediaVault
This video is the first of several low-energy server ideas I’ll be showing off. This time around, we explore the setup of a storage server, but on a Raspberry Pi. This will greatly decrease power-usage. OpenMediaVault will be installed on the Raspberry Pi, and you’ll see the entire process in this video.
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How to Install Arch Linux on LVM
In this video, the viewer is shown how to create a custom installation of Arch Linux with EFI, LVM, and Encryption.
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Launching Ubuntu instances with Multipass
Multipass is an awesome utility that allows you to quickly create Ubuntu virtual machine instances for testing. In this video, I show how to install and use it.
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Backing Up your SD Card with Linux
In this video, the viewer is shown several varations of the dd command for backing up an SD card.
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Getting Started with tmux Part 2 – Horizontal and Vertical Panes
Welcome to my brand-new refreshed tmux series! tmux enables to to greatly enhance your terminal workflow and efficiency. In the second video, I show off the process of splitting your terminal window into multiple panes (splits) so you can multitask and have multiple things running concurrently in the same window.
Getting Started with tmux Part 1 – Overview and Features
Welcome to my brand-new refreshed tmux series! tmux enables to to greatly enhance your terminal workflow and efficiency. In this video, I show off some of the various features.
Getting Started with tmux Part 5 – Customization and Tweaks
Welcome to my brand-new refreshed tmux series! tmux enables to to greatly enhance your terminal workflow and efficiency. In the final video in this series, I show some neat tmux tweaks and customizations to make the experience even more user-friendly.
Getting Started with tmux Part 4 – Creating and Switching Between Sessions
Welcome to my brand-new refreshed tmux series! tmux enables to to greatly enhance your terminal workflow and efficiency. In the fourth video, we explore sessions – which allow you to divide multiple projects into their own independent tmux process.
Getting Started with tmux Part 3 – Creating and Managing Windows
Welcome to my brand-new refreshed tmux series! tmux enables to to greatly enhance your terminal workflow and efficiency. In video 3, we explore segregation of tasks into multiple windows.
Vim Text Editor for Beginners Part 7 – Additional Tips
In my newly refreshed Vim series, you’ll learn all the things you’ll need to know in order to use this text editor in your daily workflow. In the final video, I’ll leave you with additional tips that will help you become more productive with Vim.