When it comes to Open Source, there’s always debates about various aspects of it – this isn’t new. But recently, a decision made by Red Hat has put a spotlight on this issue, perhaps a larger spotlight than any other time in recent memory. But it’s not just them – Open Source is sometimes a difficult subject to navigate. In this episode, Jay and Tom will discuss the Red Hat thing a bit, but transition into a much bigger topic – what should we or shouldn’t we expect from open source?
The Homelab Show Episode 101- Q & A and Misc Updates
Join Jay and Tom for some awesome Homelab-related goodness! In this episode, viewer/listener feedback is addressed – plus Jay’s initial thoughts on that Red Hat bombshell that was dropped, whether or not more updates means more secure, and more!
This 19″ 3U Raspberry Pi Rack Mount is Good (Enough)
I wanted to test out a rack mount for Raspberry Pi clusters, and that search brought me to the 19″ 3U Rack Mount made by GeeekPi. So, as always, I decided to give you guys my thoughts. It’s not going to win any style awards, but it DOES rack 14 Raspberry Pi’s. Check out this review for more.
Check out the 19″ 3U Pi Rack Mount here (affiliate link).
The Homelab Show Episode 99 – Secondary Distro
What would you do if your daily driver distribution becomes something else entirely, and no longer fits your use-case? What would you do if your chosen distro all of a sudden went away? Although it seems unlikely, historically – this has happened. And given the fact that the Linux community is going to see a lot of changes in the near future with decisions from upstream distros – it’s never been a better time to choose a secondary distro (just in case).
The Homelab Show Episode 98 – Systemd
Systemd – the init system some people love to hate and others don’t totally understand. It powers the majority of the major Linux distributions, but what are some of the secrets lurking within? In this video, Jay goes over some of the finer points of Systemd that you may not be aware of, ahead of the tutorial video uploading soon that goes over the same. Check it out, you might just learn something new!
Building a Powerful Raspberry Pi NAS with the Argon EON Pi Case & OpenMediaVault
Are you looking to build your very own Raspberry Pi-based Network Attached Storage (NAS) for your network or homelab? In this video, we’ll take an in-depth look at the features and functionality of the Argon EON Pi NAS case, a case designed for Raspberry Pi that transforms it into a NAS. You’ll see the the build process, and we’ll also demonstrate how to install and configure OpenMediaVault, a popular open-source NAS operating system, to maximize the capabilities of your build. This is definitely a fun project, so check it out!
Relevant Links
- Check out the Argon EON Pi NAS case (affiliate link, commission earned)
- Vendor instructions for installing the script for enabling all features
- Argon 40 documentation for the EON Pi Nas Case
- Raspberry Pi OS
- OpenMediaVault
The Homelab Show Episode 97: Network Traffic Monitoring & Filtering
In this episode of The Homelab Show, Jay and Tom discuss network monitoring and DNS filtering tools. Check it out!
The Homelab Show Episode 96 – /dev/random and Live Q & A
In this episode of the Homelab show, Jay and Tom discuss Home Assistant, Raspberry Pi Compute modules, Graylog, Fresh RSS, and more!
The Homelab Show Episode 94: More Home Assistant Tips, Trick, and Ideas!
In this episode, Jay and Tom get caught up with some feedback and some version update mentions, and Jay discusses some of the ways he’s consolidated his Home Assistant dashboards, by using some features you may or may not have been aware even exists in the first place.
The Homelab Show Episode 92 – Live Q & A
In this episode, Tom and Jay answer some feedback, talk about some new software versions that have been released lately, and more.
The Homelab Show Episode 91 – CI/CD
Continuous Integration/Continuous delivery is a great thing for software engineers, but is this something that homelabbers can take advantage of? Absolutely! Some of the tooling around CI/CD can be of major benefit to automation within your homelab, and in this episode Jay and Tom will give you some thoughts on how it can be implemented.
The Homelab Show Episode 90 – Netdata
Netdata is an awesome monitoring solution that’s easy to set up, and has a ton of features. Jay had a chance to test it out recently, and Tom and Jay share their thoughts. Also, we’ll talk about some new software releases, why static leases are greater than static IP’s (well, Jay seems to think so anyway). In addition, some viewer questions will be answered. Check it out!