CrowdSec is a service that aims to enhance the security of your Linux server – which it does in a very interesting way. Leveraging the power of the very “crowd” it serves, CrowSec is able to build intelligence that benefits every server that has it installed. This service has been discussed on the channel before, but in this tutorial you’ll see some of the new features as of CrowdSec 1.5.
Enterprise Linux Security Episode 48 – New Malware, Old Vulnerabilities
While it’s certainly never a good thing to become the victim of a cyber-attack, it can be even more embarrassing if the CVE the threat actor used to get a foothold into your systems was patched a long time ago. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss malware that’s currently taking advantage of vulnerabilities that were patched over a year ago! As important as software updates happen to be, why are so many organizations unable to keep up with them?
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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 43 – Grand Theft Data
In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss a handful of cybersecurity events in the news. While none of these stories are super exciting from a technical standpoint, there’s definitely some lessons to be learned. As part of this discussion, Jay and Joao will talk about topics related to the recent Grand Theft Auto leak, as breaches that targeted Uber, 2k games, and more.
Relevant Links
- GTA 6 source code and videos leaked after Rockstar Games hack
- Uber suffers computer system breach, alerts authorities
- 2K Games says hacked help desk targeted players with malware
- Hackers accessed data on some American Airlines customers
- Ransomware Gang Claims Customer Data Stolen in TAP Air Portugal Hack
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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 40 – Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery is huge concept when it comes to application deployment nowadays, and with good reason. Automating the compilation, testing, and other aspects of the development process increases efficiency and reliability. Security is another layer of a good CI/CD system, and in this episode, Jay and Joao discuss CI/CD and the security aspects of the popular deployment style.
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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 36 – First Live Episode!
In episode 36 of the Enterprise Linux Security podcast, Jay and Joao record an episode live for the first time.
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CrowdSec Console First Look – A Free and Awesome Security Dashboard for Linux Servers
CrowdSec is an Intrusion Prevention System that does things a bit differently than other IPS solutions. It’s collaborative, and open-source. CrowdSec has been featured on LearnLinuxTV a few times in the past, but in this video we’ll explore the CrowdSec Console, which allows you to monitor the security events of your Linux servers from an impressive web dashboard. In this video, we’ll get an overview and see it in action!
Note: This is not a review, but an overview of a security solution that Learn Linux TV is actually using in real-life.
Enterprise Linux Security Episode 22 – Certificates
Encryption is a great benefit to take advantage of, especially when it comes to hosting web sites. But how exactly do TLS certificates work? In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss foundational concepts surrounding certificates, as well as some advice and recommended practices.
Enterprise Linux Security Episode 15 – High Availability
It’s frustrating when critical infrastructure encounters an issue that results in a disruption of service. High Availability is a concept that aims to help alleviate (or hopefully eliminate) such downtime, and is a very attractive goal for system administrators. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss high availability, as well as its pros and cons.
Related articles
Boosting your Linux Server Security with CrowdSec
CrowdSec is a cutting-edge security solution for your Linux servers. As an intrusion prevention system, its goal is to stop unauthorized access and prevent attacks. But unlike other IPS solutions, it does it a different way – by using knowledge as power. CrowdSec was covered on this channel before, but in this video, you’ll see an updated look complete with an overview of how to set up protection for WordPress as well.
Enterprise Linux Security Episode 8 – Trojan Source, & CISA’s Directive
Recently, some interesting security news has occurred, and two specific developments are the main discussion in this episode. Trojan Source is a newly discovered tactic that can be used to hide malicious code and execute something completely unexpected, even when the source code appears to be syntactically correct. In addition, CISA recently mandated a large number of CVE’s to be patched in the very near future, which will likely have ramifications even outside of the United States. Also, Jay and Joao also discuss the recently released Fedora 35, which is a distribution that has a large presence on the workstations that administrators use.
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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 7 – ELevate
Remaining on legacy Linux distributions can lead to additional security risks as time goes on, and migrating to a newer and better supported distribution can be a very difficult endeavor for most administrators. In this episode, Jay and Joao are joined by Jack from AlmaLinux, and we talk about ELevate – a tool that can be used to migrate from a distribution in the Enterprise Linux family to another Enterprise Linux distribution. This helps alleviate some of the burden of distro migration, and as a community project it’s also a great project to get started with contributing to an open-source project.
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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 05 – The “Attacker” Mindset
We’ve talked about Enterprise Linux Security from the worldview of the system administrator, but what’s it like on the other side? In this episode, Jay and Joao are joined by Atalay Kelestemur, an Ethical Hacker, as we discuss the mindset of the attacker.