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  • Enterprise Linux Security Episode 23 – Busting 5 IT Security Myths

    Cyber security is a huge topic, and through the years the industry changes rapidly to keep up with current threats and related challenges. As a result, some of the beliefs and mindsets we’ve adopted in the industry have changed as well. In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss 5 myths in the security industry that either need to be adjusted, or downright debunked.

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  • Awesome Linux Tools – ncdu

    Do you know where your most-used files and directories are? Sure, there’s more than a few commands you can run to find out, but ncdu is a great tool for this purpose. Using ncdu, you can scan your entire hard disk (or any mounted filesystem) and determine where your storage pain points are – and take action!

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  • The Homelab Show Episode 50 – Giving Back

    Organizations aren’t the only thing that benefits from open-source, we do too! In this episode of The Homelab Show, Tom and Jay discuss some of the ways you can contribute back to the projects you benefit from. You don’t need to know how to code in order to give back, as entry-level methods are discussed as well.

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